Wide Open Land
This is a 2.06 Acres Agricultural/Residential Vacant Lot in Twin River Ranchos which is only about 30 minutes drive to reach Downtown Elko, Nevada.
The area is perfect for enjoying the great outdoors, including hiking, biking, family bonding and other huge outdoor recreational activities. Claim this land today before its gone!
General Information | ||
Owner Name(s): | N Squared Lands | Listed on Tax Record |
Assessor’s Parcel Number: | 017-047-001 | APN, Property ID, Map-Tax-Lot ID, Geo ID, Account # |
Address: | 0 HARDING AVE/18TH ST | #, street name, city, state, zip |
County: | Elko, Nevada | County property is located in |
Subdivsion: | TWIN RIVER RANCHOS 2 | Is the property in a subdivision? |
Lot number: | Lot 1 | What is the lot number (If applicable) |
Legal Description: | TWIN RIVER RANCHOS INC UNIT NO 2 FILE 4943 1 47 LOCATED IN THE SW4NE4 OF 23 36N 56E MDB&M | Listed on Tax Record |
TRS: | T36N R56E S23 | Township, Range & Section (If applicable) |
Parcel size: | 2.06 Acres | What is the acre size |
Terrain type: | Plain | What is the land like? (desert/forest/hill/mountain/plain) |
Notes: | N/A | Anything you think is important to note? |
Property Location / Access | ||
Google map link: | https://goo.gl/maps/U2ZXdq75fZuqc4Ji7 | Link to property from google maps |
GPS Coordinates: | 40.994, -115.627 | Coordinates for this property |
GPS Coordinates (4 corners): | 40.994, -115.627 NW 40.994, -115.626 NE 40.993, -115.626 SE 40.993, -115.627 SW | Coordinates from all 4 corners of this property |
Access to property: | Dirt road access via 18th St and Taft Ave | Is there direct access to property if so what roads/streets? |
Road surface/type: | Dirt | What are the roads like (dirt/paved,etc)? |
Who maintains roads: | Not maintained | City or County or not maintained? |
Closest highways: | HWY#I-80, Nevada | Use google map |
Closest major city: | Elko, Nevada 89801 (18.1 miles, 29 min) | Use google map to get mileage/locations |
Closest small town: | Ryndon, NV 89801 (5.1 miles, 16 min) | Use google map to get mileage/locations |
Closest gas station: | Sinclair, 5870 Coal Mine Canyon Rd, Elko, NV 89801 (5.0 Miles, 14 Mins.) | Use google map to get mileage/locations |
Nearby attractions: | Humboldt River, Elko, NV 89801 (5.0 Miles, 14 Mins.) | Use google to get mileage/locations |
Walk Score: | N/A | Use walkscore.com to get walk score |
Bike Score: | N/A | Use walkscore.com to get bike score |
Notes: | N/A | Anything you think is important to note? |
Property Tax Information | ||
Back taxes owed? If so amount owed: | No | Yes/ No & Amount if applicable |
Tax Liens? If so amount owed: | No | Yes/ No & Amount if applicable |
Annual property taxes: | $21.05 | Yearly amount found from county website |
Notes: | N/A | Anything you think is important to note |
Zoning & Restriction Information | ||
Zoning / Property use code: | Agricultural-Residential | What is the property zoned for? |
What can be built on the property? | Single-family dwellings not to exceed one unit on each parcel of land | Homes, buildings, barns, etc |
Time limit to build? | 180 days after the permit issued | Find out county time lines for building |
Is camping allowed? | Yes | Is camping allowed? Yes/No |
Camping restrictions if any: | Only for 28 days | Details on camping if allowed |
Are RV’s allowed? | Yes | Are RV’s allowed? Yes/No |
RV restrictions if any: | Only for 28 days | Details on RV’s if allowed |
Are mobile homes allowed? | Yes | Are mobile homes allowed? Yes/No |
Mobile home restrictions if any: | One as a dwelling and must have all the facilities like electricity, gas, water etc need to be available | Details on mobile homes if allowed |
Is property part of an HOA or POA? | No | Is the land part of an existing Home owners association? |
HOA or POA dues if any: | N/A | What are the dues? |
Deed restrictions? | No | Are there deed restrictions? Yes/No (specify) |
Notes: | No | Anything you think is important to note? |
Utility Information | ||
Water? | Would have to drill a well | What does the property call for – City or Well? |
Sewer / Septic? | Will require a private septic system. | What does the property call for – Serwer or Septic? |
Electric? | Would need to to contact local electric, generator, or solar | Is there service available in the area? |
Gas? | Would have to use propane | Is there service available in the area? |
Waste? | Would have to haul ourself to local land fil or contact local service | Is there service available in the area? |
Notes: | N/A | Anything you think is important to note? |
County Contact Information | ||
County Website: | https://www.elkocountynv.net/ | Website Link |
Assessor Website: | http://www.elkocountynv.net/departments/assessor1/index.php | Website Link |
Treasurer Website: | https://www.elkocountynv.net/departments/treasurer20/index.php | Website Link |
Recorder Website: | http://www.elkocountynv.net/departments/recorder/index.php | Website Link |
GIS Website: | http://gis.elkocountynv.net:1402/maps/index.html | Website Link |
Zoning Link: | http://www.elkocountynv.net/departments/planning_and_zoning/index.php | From County Website |
Phone number for Planning Dept: | (775) 738-6816 | Phone number per website (zoning/building/planning) |
Phone number for Recorder: | (775) 738-6526 | Phone number per website |
Phone number for Treasurer: | (775) 738-5694 | Phone number per website |
Phone number for Assessor: | (775) 738-5217 | Phone number per website |
Notes: | N/A | Anything you think is important to note? |
Owner Finance Options
Per Month 36 Months -
Most popular
$150 Down
$199 Doc Fee
0% Interest
Owner Finance Options
Per Month 48 Months -
Pay Off Faster
$150 Down
$199 Doc Fee
0% Interest
Owner Finance Options
Per Month 60 Months -
Cheapest Payment
$150 Down
$199 Doc Fee
0% Interest